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Home SS15


The flowers are blooming, the sun is out and the Geoff nicholson SS15 Collection is shining bright for every one to see. 

A. Lighten up your wardrobe with these summer silks.  B. What says spring time more than these Printed Linen Plaids? The simple answer is NOTHING!! C. These beautiful linen pocket squares should be a requirement for every spring wardrobe.   D. There was a time when a man's fasion expression came primarily from the ties he wore.Today, your feet can steal some of that lime light with these colorful cotton socks. Your feet will do the walking and talking. 

Style is very personal. It has nothing to do with fashion. Fashion is over quickly. Style is forever.
— Ralph Lauren

Expression Session

We all know that when it comes to accessories, women have all the fun. For us guys, our claim to fame has always been our TIES. Without saying a word, our ties have done all the talking for us. They have helped us express who we are and who we would like to be. 

Well, it looks like our SOCKS want in on some of this attention that our ties have been getting for quite some time now. There was a time when our socks were meant to just cover our feet or keep them warm. Not anymore!! The socks of today aren't just doing the walking, they're doing the continue reading...



The Next Big Thing??

In all of fashion, we are always looking for the NEXT BIG THING. That "big thing" is usually something that was a big thing a few years back. So why is it a big thing if we have done it already?? Well usually it's reintroduced with a TWIST to make it more relevant to the present day. For Spring/Summer 2015 we are seeing the resurrection of PRINTED NECKWEAR.One of the big differences between these NEW prints and the prints our dad's wore are the fabrics they are printed on.The heavier weight fabrics that we are printing on today, give the look and feel of our current day woven jacquard tie, minus the color limitations that woven fabrics have always had. The other TWIST, is these modern day continue reading...