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33052 Calle Aviador Unit C
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

949 496-8437

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The Geoff Nicholson Autumn/Winter 2015 collection will have you looking warm and feeling cool. Let's break out the layers and celebrate those chilly months in style!!

A. Lighten up that cloudy cold day with these beautiful wool plaids.  B. In order to understand the present and even the future, we must study and understand the wisdom of the past. This archive from the past, is still influencing the future. C. There is nothing that says style like SIMPLE and UNDERSTATED. These seasonal blends will make you look and feel great, without looking like you're trying too hard to look great. That's style!!!.   D. If your feet could talk to Old St. Nick, they would definitely ask him for these unbelievably soft, stylish, warm and comfortable BABY ALPACA socks. Cashmere who??

A man should look as if he has bought his clothes with intelligence, put them on with care, and then forgotten all about them
— Sir Hardy Amies


One of the many challenges for anyone in the fashion industry is the constant struggle to remain relevant to our customers. Just like every rock band has their day in the lime light, so to do all of us in any industry that deals directly with the public, which is basically most of us. The question is, how long do we have until our proverbial lime light starts to dim? When things seem pretty easy and everything we do is right on point with our industry and customer base, BE CAREFUL, you are now entering the COMFORT ZONE DILEMMA. This is when we start to Jedi mind trick ourselves into believing that maybe we don't need to work as hard to create greatness and all we need to do is continue on with the same old thing, over and over again and our customers will still love us. This is where the DILEMMA begins. This false sense of comfort is the exact opposite of what we need to move forward. In fact, when you think about it, it is the feeling of DISCOMFORT continue reading...