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33052 Calle Aviador Unit C
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

949 496-8437

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Autumn / Winter 2019


the Autumn Winter 2019 Geoff Nicholson Collection introduces seasonal textures and colors in a SUBTLE and sophisticated way.

1. There’s no such thing as too much Brown & Blue  2. Dressing up and having fun at the same time?? Sign me up! Silk & Wool is never a bad idea for the cold months ahead. 3. Dusty shades of wine & grey for the season. 4. The basics with a twist. Cotton melange socks for any occasion. 5. The Italians tell me that an elephant with the trunk up is a sign of good luck. Not sure where they got that from, but I always believe everything they tell me.


A Fool with a Plan is better off than a Genius without a Plan!
— T. Boone Pickens

It’s Not always about what you wear, but how you wear it.

The title kind of says it all, but not a lot of people understand this simple, yet very important concept. This took me many years to figure out what the Italians already knew for generations. The formula is to secretly care about click here to read more…