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Geoff Nicholson Spring/Summer 2018


The dusty days of spring/summer 2018 are here. 

1. These washed out Linen squares are just what you needed on those hot summer days. 2. Some men HAVE TO dress up, and some men WANT to dress up. It's easy to spot the difference. These Silk/Linen beauties are only for those who WANT.  3. Your socks should say FUN, not GOOFY. Simple fun fashion is what the GEOFF NICHOLSON Spring/Summer 2018 is all about.


Never look dressed up, always look as though you just threw it on … even if it takes some time and effort. As a keen anthropologist of the posh, I can tell you that the best dressers look like they live in their clothes.
— Christian Barker

Doing Dusty for Spring 18

There is always going to be a time and place for what I call "SHINY TIES".Those are the ties that tend to be more iridescent, have lots of satin and tend to say dressy. That's great, but as we keep moving forward,our neckwear needs to reflect the direction of clothing. I know this might sound like a contradiction, but our DRESS clothing is becoming more CASUAL. Just look around at a lot of.... CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE