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33052 Calle Aviador Unit C
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675

949 496-8437

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Autumn / Winter 2018


Stay warm and look cool for Autumn Winter 2018 with the Geoff Nicholson Collection 

1. A touch of VINTAGE, printed on schappe silk is all you need to look good all season.  2. Your feet will definitely not go unnoticed wearing these cotton and wool beauties.


The chains of habit are too weak to feel, until they are too heavy to break
— Samuel Johnson

Leisure neckwear?? Autumn / Winter 2018

Most of us have heard of or seen the legendary leisure suit. If not, just think of Ron Burgundy and a huge glass of Scotch (Holy 70’s!!). BUT, can there be such a thing as the LEISURE TIE? If not, I’d like to officially announce its arrival. Sounds crazy right? Maybe not .... CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE