Spring / Summer
The Spring / Summer 2020 Geoff Nicholson Collection introduces ICY cool colors for those hot summer days
1. White warp linen / Cotton ties all summer long should do the trick. 2. Dusty blue and white linen hankies with a twist of bandanna style. 3. Retro medallion and stripe ties are a perfect match with this icy blue cotton / silk pocket square. 4. Spring or fall, green goes with it all. 5. Silk bourette neckwear. A simple pattern with a touch of texture says more than you think about your taste and style.
“Man makes plans . . . and God laughs.”
The Greatest Comeback Story Ever!!
As you can probably tell, I’m writing this a little later into 2020. I remember before 2020 started,thinking, 2020, what a great sounding number. It just rolled off the tongue and sounded good to my ears. Yep, I was convinced that 2020 was our breakthrough year at Pacific Silk. Well… it hasn’t quite worked out that way SO FAR, but I’m not complaining. Whenever I’m going through a tough situation or I’m feeling sorry for myself, I always think of what a good friend from Texas once told me years ago, when he said “You need to quit laying on your balls and complaining to everyone that it hurts”. Ouch!! We are all shoveling poop right now, but we still have some control over the situation by the choices we make. Our actions and reactions to this crisis will say more about who we are than anything else. Do we just roll over and quit, or maybe this is our opportunity to be the main character in what could be our GREATEST COMEBACK STORY EVER. Nobody knows how this comeback story is going to end, but one day when we look back at this time in history, we will have to be honest and ask ourselves, did we do everything possible to stay in the fight and were we the best examples we could be to our friends and family on how to face adversity? I hope I can say yes to both.
So I would like to wish everyone the best of the luck in your GREATEST COMEBACK STORY EVER!! I can’t wait to hear about it!!